Upcoming events organized or supported by HardReadCH.
During our weeklies, wee meet up at our own room to play Fighting Games together
On our stream we aim to bring you fighting game tournaments all over Switzerland in high quality.
President, Finances
Vice-President, Finances
The member fee is CHF 120.- per year for active members and CHF 75.- for passive members. Active members receive a CHF 3.- discount on the venue fee for events hosted in our own venue. Passive members do not receive such discounts but retain full voting rights for member assemblies. As a member, you support our work and can be a part of the decision making in the annual General Meeting. If you are intereseted in becoming a member, please fill out the following form:
HardRead membership application
You can support us by buying HardRead branded T-Shirts or Hoodies.
Currently we are reworking this section.
Contact us by e-mail on hardreadch@gmail.com if you want to order a shirt or hoodie.
Questions? Contact us by e-mail on hardreadch@gmail.com. Alternatively you can ask us on any of our social media channels, they are linked at the very bottom.